Starting "big kid school"...

It's time. After all of the antcipation, your little person is finally going to enter big kid school.  This time will be full of excitement and new begnnings for both children and thier parents.  Here are a few pointers and tips  to keep in mind for all of you as you navigate this next step in you family's life. 



Young children don't always have the language skills to express what they're feeling.  Because of this, they often express themselves through behaviour.  You may find that your child demonstrates some of these behaviours: 



-sibling conflict

-inability to make decisions

-bedtime/sleep issues

-conflict with friends

 Tips for Parents: 

-give extra cuddles

-ensure that your child gets down time every day

-adjust bed time to ensure lots of sleep

-take time each week to talk about the exciting parts of the new school

-take opportunities to involve your child in any school prep activities at their new school


Parents may forget that this time is also an adjustment for them.  You may find that you are experiencing some of these behaviours and feelings: 

-short temper

-feelings of sadness or anxiety

-extra worries

-difficulty sleeping

-feelings of helplessness

 Tips for self-care: 

-feel informed about the school and the school community

-take time to volunteer at the school

-take some extra quiet time with your child

-lean on your spouse/partner for support

-be gentle with yourself. Understand that it takes time to adjust to change


By being mindful that transitions take time; and allowing yourself and your child the time to adjust,  the transition to big kid school can be an amazing and wonderful experience for both kids and parents alike!



College Bound...

She's on her way!

She's on her way!

The day is finally coming and my Mama heart is breaking. My first and oldest is leaving home. 

In my mind, I know that this is what  much of my job as a parent has been about; preparing my kids to grow and launch into their own , wonderful, independent lives. The excitement in our home is palpable as she packs up her room. Her younger sister is crouching like a vulture; sorting through any discarded bits that the older one is leaving behind.

But I'm not ready!  How do you say goodbye as you drop them off  without turning into a blubbering, crying heap of Mama love?

I know that she needs me to be strong for her. I know that her younger sister needs me to be strong as well.  But sometimes, as a parent, I also know that I need to allow myself to be human and to feel the emotions that I need to feel. I've always known that this day would come. I had no idea that it would be this hard!

5 days left to goodbye....