Bella was a 9 year old girl. Like many girls her age, she liked sports, time with her friends and spending time outdoors. Like many of her friends' parents, Bella's parents were separated. Unlike her friends' parents though, Bella's parents were CONSTANTLY fighting over time with Bella. For Bella, it felt like so many of her activities were ruined because they created one more opportunity for her parents to fight. Who gets to watch the dance competition? Who gets to have Bella for the school concert? Who gets Bella for March Break?
This morning was no different.
As Bella woke up, she could hear her Dad on the phone. Listening to his voice, she could tell he was angry:
" oh, come on! You seriously want me to haul her out of bed?"
" I know she comes to you after school Friday. But there's no school today"
" who says 'no school' means you get her?"
" seriously? You're going to call the Police about this? What am I breaching?!"
Nice way for a kid to wake up, eh?
Bella wondered, "Are the Police coming to arrest Daddy? Are they going to take me away?" " Why do I always make Mommy and Daddy fight?" " Where am I going to be today?"
Suddenly, a day that should have been filled with Magic and Excitement for Bella became.....anxious and sad.
Bella rolled over in bed, put the blankets over her head and decided she'd hide there until someone came to get her.
The Fun Snow Day had become just another miserable day of Mommy and Daddy fighting .
If you are a Separated Parent you have a choice! You don't need to create Bella's life! You have the chance to put your kids first and give them the gift of knowing that they deserve BOTH of their parents! They deserve to be allowed to love, and have time with each of you!
But, most of all......they deserve to be kids and enjoy all of the fun times that come with it!