Chris and Jess had been working through Mediation to set a Parenting Schedule for their son. Both parents were having a hard time giving time to the other. They were both immensely hurt by words said and actions taken over the last few years. Those scars, and their anger, were getting in the way of them being able to work as a team for their son. Every interaction had turned into a fight for “primary position”.
Most recently, the battleground had become soccer night. Soccer night fell on Chris’ scheduled time. Jess had decided that she should attend as well. She didn’t want to look like she wasn’t interested.
So, they went. Jess joined the other team Mom's on her side of the field. Dad, not knowing the soccer crowd as well, sat on the opposite side. He didn’t want to feel awkward or risk conflict . All seemed to be manageable until…..
Their son scored his first goal. It was miraculous! Everyone cheered! Both parents were so proud as their son came running down the field to celebrate his victory with them. And, suddenly, he paused. They could see his face fall. They could see his confusion. As he stood in the middle of the field, looking right, then left, their hearts broke as they realized that he didn’t know which of them to go to. It was clear that he had to choose one to approach first. It was clear that he was crushed at the thought of having to choose. Finally, they understood. Finally, they got a glimpse into the fragmented life they were creating for their son. Both of their hearts broke at the thought that they had caused him pain. Finally, they were ready to start to put their hurts away and build the team that their son needed.
They were ready let their son live them BOTH ❤️